Vă anunțăm că autobiografia marelui Maestru Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang, unul dintre cei doi tutori (mentori) ai Sfinției Sale Dalai Lama, și a cărui viață traversează un secol istoric semnificativ nu doar pentru tibetani ci și pentru toată lumea, este acum disponibilă într-o nouă traducere în limba engleză, publicată de Editura Rabten din Elveția.
Volumul conține de asemenea un supliment de aproximativ 250 pagini compus de Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche, care continuă istorisirea acolo unde în mod firesc autobiografia se încheie.
Mai jos puteți citi descrierea oficială a cărții în limba engleză iar cartea poate fi achiziționată la următoarea adresă: https://www.rabten.eu/a-play-of-magical-illusion.htm

The Definitive Life Account of Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang, Junior Tutor to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, that includes his Renowned Autobiography and its Official Supplement, with Comprehensive Features.
The Autobiography proper, the main part of this book, covers Kyabje Trijang Dorjechang’s life, with the background of his parents and up to the year 1974. It is complemented by the Supplement prepared at his wish; it relates the story of his life from mid 1974 to 1983 and records the discovery of his present reincarnation, Kyabje Trijang Chogtrul Rinpoche. This work was compiled by Ven. Zemey Rinpoche, who was one of the Tutor’s closest disciples. It was compiled by Rinpoche in close collaboration with Ku-ngo Palden Tsering, the Tutor’s private secretary and life-long manager.
Lungrig Namgyal
101st Gaden Tripa
This svayambhu life is a wonderful lotus that blooms from the calyx of the heart of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. It resonates the rejuvenation of millennarian Buddhist thought and practice from the personal experiences of a living master. As modern minds search for directions and purpose to fill the spiritual emptiness, this life is a light to advance into unchartered frontiers. The lucid silence of the Buddhist eternal and transcendent is this sensitive presentation that adores the waning day making the stones moan. The oceanic learning and sadhana of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche whispers “I am a drop of nectar with tomorrows inside,” to dispel the dark clouds in the mind, to seek a great tree unbowed by the storm.
Prof. Lokesh Chandra
In any highly successful professional life, the point is reached as to whether or not to take it to the next level and become a world class achiever. It is here that the mentor comes in. The stakes are much higher when the individual is a Dalai Lama, the moment when his nation is facing imminent invasion, the perils largely ignored by the rest of the world, and his own life, formal education and training scarcely begun.
In this personal account Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche — the Younger Tutor of His Holiness the current Dalai Lama — tells the story of his life. It is an eventful and moving life from early on. The rigors of academia in a Tibetan monastic seat, a reincarnate master’s training, brutal challenges that few in his status encounter, and how he came through them all, becoming a rising spiritual master sought equally by commoners as well as the elite in Lhasa: Kyabje Rinpoche relates all of these, and much more, in sober detail. He then recounts how he was given responsibilities as the Junior Tutor to His Holiness. We become witness to an unusually close and enduring spiritual bond and deep mutual reverence and affection that develop between the individual and his second mentor.
Few would expect an account of this weight, magnitude, and sophistication from a Tibetan trained in pre-1959 Tibet written in mellifluous blend of prose and poetry, and in words that are light, measured, and at the level of everyday life.
The Supplement by Ven. Zemey Rinpoche, from the same original sources, continues the narrative from where the original account leaves off, and completes it with the same attention to detail.
With archival photos rarely found in other books, this is the definitive account of Kyabje Yongzin Trijang Rinpoche, one of the most influential Tibetans whose life continues to inspire Tibetans and non-Tibetans alike.
Kyabje Zemey Rinpoche
Born in Yangteng ( 1927) in Kham and recognized as the 4th reincarnation of the Zemey line of incarnations, he studied at Dab Yanteng Monastery, continued his education at Gaden Shartse Monastery ( 1937) in central Tibet, gained the Lharampa Geshe recognition ( 1948), and completed his tantra studies at Gyuto Monastery ( 1952).
An established writer and renowned Buddhist scholar, Rinpoche trained the first two batches of Tibetan teachers in the exile Tibetan government’s Teachers Training Program. Along with other Tibetan luminaries such as Dujom Rinpoche, he helped develop the curricula, and write the first-ever textbooks, for Tibetan schools in exile. He thereafter served as principal at two Tibetan higher secondary schools, in Dalhousie and Pachmari.
Rinpoche directly went into private life thereafter and practiced. He dedicated the last active years of his life to heavy public teaching engagements Mundgod, Darjeeling and Kalimpong, and Nepal. Published by students of his residence in 1997, his collected writings are in six volumes.
About the translator
Geshe Cheme Tsering was born in Lhodrag, southern Tibet, in 1958. He attended the Tibetan Refugee School (later Central School for Tibetans) in Shimla, and continued his education at Central Institute of Tibetan Higher Studies at Sarnath, Varanasi and Nyingmapa Lamas College at Tibetan Colony, Clement Town. He entered Gaden Shartse Monastery in 1978 as residence student of Zemey Labrang, received Geshe Lharampa recognition in 1996 in the normal way, and currently assists Kyabje Trijang Chogtrul Rinpoche at Trijang Buddhist Institute in Vermont, USA.