Aspectele esentiale ale Buddhismului
Geshe Rabten Rinpoche si Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche
Invataturile a doi dintre cei mai remarcabili maestrii ai Buddhismului Tibetan
Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures
A collection of several hundred Tibetan Buddhist scriptures. Software specially designed for displaying Tibetan script.
DETAILS (Apple App Store)
Tibetan Up-to-Date
In Rabten Choeling, the Centre for Higher Tibetan Studies in Switzerland, a great number of Westerners have been learning the Tibetan language since 1977. This application has been designed to reflect all our experience in transmitting this precious language.
DETAILS (Apple App Store)
Tibetan Buddhist Calendar
This calendar is meant specifically for practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism. It shows the cycle of twelve months according to the Tibetan lunar calendar together with the corresponding months and days of the Western calendar.
DETAILS (Apple App Store)